Does A Bad Diagnosis Require Euthanasia Now? NO!

I wish I didn’t have to write this, but I feel it is an important topic to spend a few moments on. Ever since I changed my focus from general medicine to dealing with the older, elderly and end of life dogs and cats, I began to realize how easy it is for veterinarians to recommend and carry out euthanasia based on an ominous diagnosis or even on a speculative diagnosis that might be terminal. This is especially common when the diagnosis involves cancer or the possibility of cancer.

My Pet Won’t Eat . . . Why?

Many, if not most of the calls I receive in regard to euthanasia, are because the animal in question is not eating. These are usually older pets and a significant number have been diagnosed with a terminal disease. The general viewpoint espoused is that when a pet stops eating they are “ready” to die. I believe it’s important to understand that animals are never “ready” to die. They are self preservative creatures. They are instinctive about death and they are very good at dying, just like they are very good at living.

Abdominal Masses In Dogs

Since I just deal with geriatric, elderly and terminal pets, I see masses (tumors, growths) within the abdomen fairly frequently. Certain breeds are represented more often: Labradors, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and Pit Bulls are among the most commonly affected.

Books On Pet Loss

Pet Grief Cold Noses

List compiled by Belinda McLeod for Cake Blog

Some of these books offer suggestions on how to grieve the loss of a pet. Others are stories that celebrate animals. Choose the book carefully, especially if you are using it as a gift. You don’t want to open old wounds in your attempt to offer solace.

Even if you are purchasing a book for adults, it is encouraged that you check out the second part of the list. Children’s books can be more accessible, and easier to manage, in a difficult period.

Feline IBD vs Intestinal Lymphoma

Gray Tabby Green Eyes

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is relatively common in older cats, but can be seen in younger cats, as well. It is characterized by frequent vomiting and/or diarrhea, although frequent vomiting seems to be more common. Vomiting cats can also have intestinal lymphoma, and IBD, along with intestinal lymphoma, account for around 90% of cases with chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea as the main presenting symptom.

Pet Suffering And Euthanasia

I receive many phone calls in regard to pet “suffering” and “quality of life” issues. In my opinion, these specific terms are related to our “human” viewpoint and not the pet’s.

Tramadol Warning

This is a synthetic opiate that is often prescribed for analgesia (pain control) in the dog. The FDA has classified this drug as a “controlled” substance. In my experience, this medication creates more problems than it helps.

Dementia In Dogs & Cats

This, like neuropathy, is common in the aging pet and is seen in both cats and dogs. It is almost a mirror image of what is seen in people and the signs can be similar.

In Home Visits For Cats

Taking cats to the veterinary office can be a frustrating and traumatic ordeal, as many owners have experienced. Because of the perceived emotional “trauma,” it seems like a much better alternative to have a veterinarian come into the home for the examination. In fact, this may not be the best approach after all. 

Geriatric Neuropathy In The Dog

One of the most common reasons people call me is because their dog is having difficulty getting up or lying down. The perception is that it’s “horrible” arthritis or “hip dysplasia.”